Hard Money Loans Houston

Hard Money Loans Houston

Getting Hard Money Loans in Houston can seem overwhelming to the untrained eye. Texas has established itself to the place to be for anyone interested in real estate, whether it be landlords or house flippers. With this much choice, finding a lender can become a gruesome process when it comes down to nailing down the perfect lender for your project.

Houston is one its own an extremely lucrative real estate market. The median home value in Houston is $185,600, with home values rising 7.2% last year. For the coming year home values are expected to rise an additional 3.4%. Montrose remains as the most expensive neighbourhood, with the median home value staying around $600,000. Some of the most popular areas to purchase a home right now is Kingwood Area, Clear Lake & Memorial, all boasting large population numbers and a thriving market.

In 2017 the market took a big hit from Hurricane Harvey, but instead of discouraging buyers, the market kept growing. Although Harvey caused major damage, the city came together as one and is exiting recovery mode in 2019. More and more people are moving from New York, LA and San Fransisco as housing prices have got out of control and are now looking to make moves in Houston.

In order to get funding fast, hard money loan takers should prepare necessary documents in advance before seeking a loan. These usually involve things like contracted purchase price, entity name, primary borrower name, ARV and subject property address. If a loan taker comes prepared with all the necessary documents in advance, funding can be given in weeks or even days, instead of months as lenders will be able to provide terms for the loan in a short time span.

Below is a link to a site that lists lenders offering hard money loans in Houston in order to help you find a local lender.

If you want to get in touch with a lender recommended by us, with low rates, fast and personal support and high LTV click on the Apply button below to take a 30 second application.

If you wish to contact us through other means, please use our contact form.

Best of luck with your project!

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